Books for ISTEL

I have been affiliated with the seminary library at ISTEL in Lubango since I first visited in 2011. Because my particular vocation as a library technician is to procure academic materials for my instutition (University of Calgary Library) I’ve been determined to use my gifts to assist in the growth of ISTEL’s library.

It’s very challenging to get good books into Angola because booksellers tend to be delayed by customs. Although bringing ISTEL only a handful of books in my bag when I visit is a very small offering, it’s part of how I am contributing to theological education and development in Angola.

For our visit to Lubango in June, I will be bringing 7 books to donate to the ISTEL library. I’d like to tell about each of these books.

First, the English books. Nearly all of the professors and doctorate students can read English, so these books do help, especially those that aren’t yet available in Portuguese. I’m bringing 4 books about African theology: The Missionary Movement in Christian History by Andrew F. Wells; Re-imagining African Christologies by Victor I. Ezigbo; Spectacular Atonement by Robert Falconer; and African Christian Ethics by Samuel Waje Kunhiyop.

And the 3 Portuguese books are: Lendo Filipenses by Antônio Carlos Costa (a commentary on Philippians); Somos Todos Teológos by R. C. Sproul (a translation of his book Everyone’s a Theologian); and finally Arte + Fé by Makoto Fujimura (a translation of his book Art + Faith, a meditation on Christian expression through art).

It’s my hope that I can continue to contribute to the ISTEL library and help them to become better equipped as opportunities are available!

Michael Hoskin


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